Did you make a New Year’s Resolution that you would be more physically active? How is that plan working out for you? For many people, that pledge doesn’t work out all that often. That’s why numerous are reluctant when it comes to purchasing a gym membership. They don’t want to waste their money if they will stop going after a few weeks. However, these people might be pleasantly surprised to know the correlation between having a gym membership and fitness activity.


Committing to the gym could really pay off even if you aren’t the most athletic!


Take A Look At The Facts 

The U.S. recommended guidelines for physical activity entail 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity per week. Two of such days should include muscle-strengthening activities. People can meet these guidelines with and without a gym membership. Nevertheless, research shows that only 50 percent of people in the U.S. get the amount of aerobic activity recommend, and only about 20 percent meet guidelines for strength training.


Surprisingly, and quite dramatically, those who had a gym membership were far more likely to be a part of the percentage who met physical activity guidelines. In fact, research that analyzed “405 generally healthy adults,” found that non-members averaged a mere 137 minutes of exercise per week, while gym members averaged 484 minutes a week! Thus, only 18 percent of non-members met the physical activity recommendations for both aerobics and strength training, versus 75 percent of gym members.


Committing To Exercise

Being a gym-member helps to motivate you to engage in physical activity, not only because of the environment, but also because of the price. However, you can still meet physical fitness goals without a membership, so don’t stress if you can’t afford it right now.


Committing to an exercise plan is an immense benefit for your lifestyle and health. Aside from muscle strengthening and weight control, being active can help you fight off the cold and flu, and even more serious diseases like cancer. In addition, regular exercise can even improve brain function, boost mood, offset cell damage, and slow aging.


Reaching optimal wellness is unlikely to be reached without a physical activity schedule. So make sure you build a plan that’s right for your body and daily routine. Working out in the morning has proven to provide best results, but just workout when you can and meet at least the recommended guidelines.



If you are struggling to get into a workout routine that actually shows results and progress, joining a gym or some specialized fitness programs could prove to be the change you need. Being a part of something is what often motivates individuals to get moving rather than cutting the workout short or not getting to it at all.


If you already tried the gym and it didn’t work out for you, try working out with a buddy to keep you motivated or enroll in a sports program. Whatever routine you choose, just get active and stay active!