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Health, Lifestyle and Nutrition ArticlesWhite or Brown Eggs? Or Neither?
You’ve probably gone to the grocery store and wondered what the difference is between white and brown eggs. Even if you don’t think you’ve ever tried a brown egg before, you actually might have since the taste is practically identical. So why sell the two eggs apart?...
How To Calculate The Age You’ll Live To Be
Have you ever wanted to know what age you’ll live to? It would certainly make life less uncertain. Well, there isn’t a surefire way to tell the future yet, however there is a way to calculate your risk of premature death. While this formula does not take into account...
Your Phone Could Be Causing You Bad Sleep And Even Disease
Do you have a cell phone? If you’re reading this in the year 2016, then the odds are that you do. And if you’re like most Americans, then you’re probably at least slightly addicted to your phone. Nobody can blame you for being obsessed with your device considering...
Will A Soda Tax Help With Efforts To End Obesity?
It has been widely known that America has an obesity epidemic, so this has people looking for answers. This election season, four cities have a proposed tax on soda and other sugary drinks in hopes that the added financial obstacle will deter people away from...
Women Are Drinking Alcohol At About The Same Rate As Men
According to a new study, women are drinking virtually the same amount of alcohol that men are. Historically, men were twice as likely to drink and more than three times as likely to acquire alcohol-related issues compared to women in the early 20th century. So what...
9 Tips On How To Win This Cold & Flu Season
The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us and that means it’s time for you to take precautions so you don’t get stuck in bed feeling terrible. And contrary to popular belief, there’s much more that you can do besides washing your hands. Additionally, there are...
52% Of Americans Say The Election Is A Significant Source of Stress
A survey by the American Psychological Association (APA) has found that 52 percent of American adults find the 2016 election to be a substantial source of stress in their lives. Some may be surprised and others may not be so surprised. Across party lines most can...
Your Stress Levels Could Be Offsetting Your Healthy Diet
Your mental state could be costing you those health goals that you’ve been working so hard towards. Negative emotions like stress and depression can alter the inflammation levels in your body. And what does inflammation do? Well inflammation is connected to serious...
Anxiety Now More Prevalent Than Cancer
If you have been experiencing anxiety, you aren’t alone. According to a 2015 study, anxiety is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in the U.S. The results show that the prevalence surpasses that of cancer by 800 percent, making anxiety the most common mental illness in...