Up to 180 million Americans are using artificial sweeteners as part of their day-to-day routine. However, there are some serious drawbacks to this practice despite the misconception that these substitutes will help offset your sugar intake. These artificial sweeteners (aspartame) can be found in diet or sugar-free products disguising themselves as consumable for those wishing to lose weight. Existing research provides the contrary concrete evidence as to why you should avoid artificial sweeteners even if you aren’t trying to lose/maintain weight.
Evidence For Decades
In 2016, the misconception that artificial sweeteners aid in weight-loss is still a prominent stronghold in the world of marketing. However, research has documented its opposite effect since the 1980s. Data demonstrates how drinkers of artificially flavored drinks consistently have higher BMI’s and are more likely to gain weight compared to those who don’t consume these products. New evidence has only built upon these studies to support the analysis and even links multiple metabolic syndromes to these artificial sweeteners. Common syndromes include: abdominal obesity, insulin resistance, impaired glucose intolerance, abnormally elevated fats in the blood, and high blood pressure.
One study even found that daily drinkers of aspartame-sweetened, diet soft drinks made individuals 67 percent more susceptible to type 2 diabetes. Daily consumption also increased the risk of metabolic syndrome by 36 percent.
Aspartame Is Not A “Safe, High-Quality Alternative”
Despite marketing efforts to advertise artificial sweeteners as a healthy alternative, Americans are slowly but surely catching onto the facts—still not fast enough. Whether or not you simply like the flavor or are conscious about your weight, you should know that artificial sweeteners are not beneficial in any way for your health.
Need more factors to consider other than an increased risk in metabolic syndrome and diabetes? In one study, people who drank diet soda had a 70 percent greater increase in waist size over a 10-year period. And artificial sweeteners have even been linked to cancer!
So let’s stop the theory that ordering a large fries, but a diet coke will be okay for your health. The severity goes much further than weight gain or sugar intake. Aspartame is an artificial concoction that is essentially worse than consuming “regular” products. That’s not to say you should start drinking non-diet sugary beverages. Instead, you should avoid sugary beverages and foods at all costs if you want to lose/maintain weight and live a healthier lifestyle.
Balancing your nutrition is imperative no matter how active or inactive you are. Living a long and flourishing life begins with what energy you put in your body. If you have preexisting conditions or simply don’t know where to start, then it’s wise to talk with a licensed physician about nutrition and the body. There are too many misconceptions that continue to pervade despite the piles of proof.
Next time you see “sugar-free” or “diet” on a package, st