Dr. Pulse and Dr. Moen are trained in nutrition and how diet affects your health, well-being and vitality. Nutrition is more than simply eating three meals a day. We want you to be aware of the materials needed to restore and maintain your health. This includes the vitamins, minerals and tissue building quality of what you eat. Some foods should be avoided, while others consumed more frequently.
Cellular Healing
Have you ever wondered why you can’t lose that last 10-15 pounds despite diet and exercise? It may not be your fault. Many of us have hormone imbalances caused by dietary choices or a toxicity problem. Toxins are everywhere from cleaning supplies, shampoos, soaps, perfumes, lotions and makeup. Toxins build up in our body and live in our fat cells. Over time, cellular congestion develops, meaning the good can’t get into our cells and the bad can’t get out.
Inflammation. Most diseases today are due to chronic inflammation. Not inflammation caused by a sprain/strain but cellular inflammation. Inflammation damages cells and arterial walls leading to disease such as high blood pressure, digestive issues, arthritis and chronic pain. Reducing inflammation allows our body the ability to heal as it was designed.
One of the primary causes of diabetes and weight gain are burnt out insulin and/or leptin receptors. By learning how to lower blood glucose levels, receptors can heal and your body can begin to regulate the production of insulin and leptin.
Testing your pH is one way to determine the health of your body. At Vitality Chiropractic, we have a fast, easy and affordable way to check your pH to see if you are living in an acidic or alkaline state.
When your body is overly stressed, whether it’s from physical, chemical or emotional stress, the cells become acidic. An acidic environment prevents your body from functioning at its optimal state. Enzymes can’t function, inflammation develops as well as mitochondrial and hormone function declines. An acidic environment forces our body to steal minerals from other parts of the body, such as tissue or bone. It is all too common that we are walking around acidic and don’t even know it.
How to test your salivary pH
1. Test in the morning before you have had anything to eat or drink. 2. Place a drop of saliva onto the pH strip. 3. Watch for a color change in the strip. 4. Compare color to the given chart. Record the color or number. 5. Place some lemon juice in your mouth and swish it around. 6. Spit as much as you can. You will feel as if you can’t spit anymore. 7. Using a new pH strip. Place a drop of saliva onto the strip. 8. Record you new number or color. 9. Let your doctor know both numbers or colors.