Have you ever wanted to know what age you’ll live to? It would certainly make life less uncertain. Well, there isn’t a surefire way to tell the future yet, however there is a way to calculate your risk of premature death. While this formula does not take into account unfortunate and unexpected events, it does take into account your personal health numbers that will inform you of what the future holds for you. Your “fitness number” will help you to analyze how likely you are to develop serious health conditions like cardiovascular disease.
Some people won’t want to know what the future has in store for them. That’s completely understandable as the future can be scary and equally nerve wrecking. However, it’s important to take a look at our health’s future because there is a way to turn that course around and prevent what seems to be an “inevitable” tragedy. A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings was able to precisely forecast participants’ risk of premature death, which can significantly help health care professionals “identify people at high risk.”
Of the 38,480 people studied, those who were least fit had an increased risk of premature death by 50 percent. As people moved into better fitness increments their risk of developing fatal heart conditions decreased by 18 to 15 percent. These findings are immensely important when it comes to preventing cardiovascular disease putting emphasis on fighting it at the fitness level. When researchers factored in other traditional health factors like high blood pressure and cholesterol, there was no significant change in accuracy level. Thus, if you want to really take a hold of your health and assess your current state, then calculating your fitness number is a great first step to make.
This simplified way to measure your health risk has even been put into a mobile app format because it can be calculated using information you probably already have readily available. You need easy information like your age, height, weight, waist circumference, and resting pulse. You can visit this website or download apps from Google Play or the Apple Store. With just a few minutes of your time, you could open your eyes to what your present health says about your future.
In the year 2016, you don’t need some fancy physical fitness research plan to assess your health risks. Your physical activity level can be more than enough when predicting your heart’s health risks. If you want to live a long and prosperous life, developing cardiovascular disease or other heart related conditions are a giant obstacle that can get in the way of that goal.
Your fitness number could be a huge wakeup call, or give you some great news! Either way, learning what your fitness number is will certainly give you advice you need moving forward. You may want to maintain your fitness as normal or rapidly increase your activity. Take control of your health now, or you might regret it in the near future!