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Health, Lifestyle and Nutrition Articles
Air-Bath and Good Health

Air-Bath and Good Health

Air is of prime importance for life. One may live for a few days without food or perhaps even without water. But it is impossible to survive even for a few minute or more without air. Oxygen is essential for the process of combustion taking place in all the various...

Secret Tips to Healthy Living

Secret Tips to Healthy Living

Healthy living is something most of us are seeking. Many of us already exercise and try to eat right, and that is a great start to healthier living. Here are two great tips that will take you to a new level of healthy living. #1 Take Your Vitamins Every day you should...

Benefits of Strength Training for Children

Benefits of Strength Training for Children

When most people think of strength training, they imagine big buff body builders. Contrary to popular belief, when done properly, strength training can be safe and beneficial to your child. Helps with sports performance. Many preteens want to start a strength training...

Find out How Exercise is Key to a Healthy Heart

Find out How Exercise is Key to a Healthy Heart

Although you can live without your spleen or with only one kidney, you cannot live without your heart! That is why you need to take care of it.  Heart health begins early in childhood, and is about adopting a healthy lifestyle overall. One of the best ways to have a...

Helpful Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Helpful Tips for Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Most of us have experienced a night of where we just couldn’t get to sleep, or kept waking up in the middle of the night. While one night of not sleeping can be annoying, persistent insomnia can have negative consequences on our work, personal relationships, and...

How To Get And Stay Motivated To Exercise

How To Get And Stay Motivated To Exercise

Exercise is great for your health. It boosts your metabolism allowing you to burn more calories and fat. It also helps your body release hormones that improve brain function. It prevents and reduces depression. Exercise increases your longevity and improves your...

Five Fun and Social Ways to Exercise When It’s Cold

Five Fun and Social Ways to Exercise When It’s Cold

What if you could turn winter's cold weather into a game? Instead of resisting the weather, you can use it to your advantage to get exercise, to burn calories and to improve your fitness. You can also use it to bond with friends and deepen relationships. Here are five...

Cold Weather Fitness for Parents and Children

Cold Weather Fitness for Parents and Children

For a lot of kids, winter time is sedentary, cold and boring. But it doesn't have to be that way - you can make winter just as fun as summer, with a little bit of creativity and planning. Your kids can not only have a great time, but stay in great shape, too. Here are...